Live Broadcast


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Please note that, from August 1st 2021, recordings can only be retained on our website for one week. This is being done by our service provider as best practice of GDPR regulations.

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Parish Webcam Policy
Draft Version I – November 2018

A webcam system was installed and made operative in the Church of the Assumption, Parish of Middle Killeavy (hereafter ‘the church’) from the First Sunday of Advent 2018. The purpose of this system is to provide a broadcast of liturgies and the broadcast captures the sanctuary and near-sanctuary area. While there is the facility to record individual services if desired by the parish priest, there is no continuous recording facility.
It is felt that the introduction of this system will be of great benefit to the housebound in our parish who wish to join in communion with the parish at its various services. It will also benefit those living outside the parish who wish to view our services, including but not limited to funerals, weddings, etc.

Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults
Our parish values and encourages the participation of children and young people in all parish activities that will help their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development. The parish recognises the dignity and rights of all children and is committed to ensuring their safety and well-being at all times.
The parish recognises that all involved in working with children have a special duty of care towards them. There are procedures and a code of practice in place to implement this policy. Our parish completely subscribes to Armagh Diocesan Norms on Safeguarding children.
In light of the introduction of the webcam system, from the First Sunday of Advent 2018, consent will be required from parents / guardians of all ministers under 18. This includes altar servers, ministers of the Word, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, etc.

General Consent
With the exception of the conditions necessary for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults as outlined above, it is assumed that there is general consent from all people who enter the church. The presence of the webcam system, broadcasting capability and recording potential are advertised via posters in the church and on the parish website.

Adult Ministers
All adult ministers have been contacted to inform them of the introduction of the webcam system.

Recording and Retention of Images
There is no continuous recording of the broadcast via the church system. However, there does exist the potential to record services as desired. This can only be done with the consent of the parish priest. It is planned for this to be a very infrequent occurrence and the parish will be notified at least one week in advance via the parish bulletin.
Recorded events may be posted to the parish website and may remain there for up to one year after the service. There are no plans to publish still images in any format.

Personal Details
No personal details, including but not limited to, names, addresses, email contacts, phone numbers, website addresses, etc., will be added to the broadcast or via the website.
General Disclaimer
The content of any broadcast belongs to the parish priest on behalf of the parish and cannot be reproduced in any way, including online sharing, without his written permission. Any views expressed by persons taking part in a service do not necessarily reflect the views of the Parish of Middle Killeavy.